Thursday, March 26, 2015

When things start to get back to normal

January 12, 2011
I take the stairs two at a time, the carpet scratching against my bare feet.
        Bits of our conversation from last night bump around in my head.
        Leaping onto the landing, it’s two steps into my bathroom where I seize a hair tie and my chapstick.
        You said, "I just can't wait until you return my favors."
        Where are my navy flip-flops? Downstairs?
        I told you I just wasn't comfortable with that.
        I swear I’ve run these stairs six times this morning.
Sleeping through seminary is nice, except for when I sleep until ten minutes before school starts too. Cursing under my breath is totally a thing this morning. What my parents would do if they knew I cussed..
Down the stairs and rounding the corner into the kitchen, there’s three minutes until school starts. I yank open the closet door, searching for my backpack. Shit. Shit. Shit.
What the heck?
I spin around and there’s Larissa, or at least the back of her head as she bounds across the kitchen and down the other hallway, maniacally waving around an empty cardboard paper towel roll above her head.
A bonker-wonker.
I don’t have time for this. But am I really gonna let her run away? But school.. But bonker-wonker..
I drop my backpack and sprint after her. She shrieks as she sees me coming after her and a game of “which way around the kitchen is she going” ensues.
“Give it!” I say.
She uses her height to her advantage and gives me several firm bonks on the head. I fake one way and when she lowers the bonker-wonker, I grab hold. We tug-of-war over it for a few moments, but cardboard is only so strong and pretty soon..
It tears apart. We look at each other for a second. I have the bigger half. I raise it threateningly.
I’m expecting her to run but she just takes her teeny half of the bonker-wonker and taps in on my head. Repeatedly. Of course that means she has to be closer, so I just whack her with my half of the bonker-wonker. More repeatedly.
She breaks first, collapsing onto the floor in a fit of laughter and relinquishing her weapon. I snatch it up and then we’re just a pile of giggles. I can’t remember the last time I laughed this hard. Probably with you, but not for a while now. Not for a while.
Dad comes through the garage door.
“What are you guys doing? I’ve been waiting on the driveway for five minutes now.”
Woops. With a last grin at Larissa, I grab my backpack and slip on the closest pair of flip-flops, and follow Dad out the door.

1 comment:

  1. no need for ly words
    best line: bump around in my head.
