Friday, March 13, 2015

Tina will take down anyone who hurts me, which is why I haven't told her about you

       April 18, 2011
       “Were you crying again?”
I blink, jerked out of deep inside my head, out of shrouded thoughts with veiled meaning, a scary neighborhood to wander by myself.
“Hm?” I meet Tina's eyes, blinking and widening my eyes a bit, trying to reduce the look of puffiness, although I don’t know why I try when I know she won’t be so easily fooled.
"Come on, you're wearing mascara. You only do that when you're trying to make your eyes look less puffy." 
I bite my lip and she scoots closer, reaching to smooth that one curl that insists on sticking out. 
"What happened this time?”
My eyes are all watery now, so I just nod.
“I thought he was the mediator. What did he say?”
I pause for a second to collect my thoughts and swallow the lump in my throat.
“He said that—”
“Oh my gosh, Jessica, are you crying?"
I don’t even have to look up. I'd know Raechel's voice anywhere, the nasally little whine that has followed me around since sixth grade. 
Tina puts a hand on my shoulder. “Shut up and get the hell out of our business!”
I can’t help cracking a smile at Raechel's expression, and at the beauty and tenacity of my best friend.

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