Thursday, March 19, 2015

A good day with you

March 13, 2011
        I ditch during lunch to see you. I just walk out and the supervisor on duty smiles when he sees me.
“Ditching again huh?”
“Pretty much!”
He laughs because he thinks I’m kidding. I’m in line to be frikkin valedictorian. Valedictorian would never ditch. He assumes I have a pass and I walk right past him.
You’re waiting in your cube car. I climb in, letting out a happy sigh, “hi” and lean over. You meet me halfway for a brief kiss. “Well hello there gorgeous.” I feel my face light up with the smile that belongs to you and you alone.
We drive to our secret park and you produce a picnic of homemade pizza and strawberries and cream soda. It’s a warmish day in Salinas, high 60’s maybe, and so we sit outside, enjoying the sun and feasting on our pizza, pausing in between mouthfuls to steal a kiss, playing footsie under the table like twelve year olds.

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