Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I hang onto days like this

May 6, 2011
       I am having a truly awful day. After an increasingly common argument with you yesterday, I didn't sleep last night. Meaning I've been napping through classes and quizzes all day. Not to mention the group project that my entire group forgot about. I have to skip swim to finish it. I'm finishing a stupid group project by myself. I am so frazzled.
I'm working frantically in the library when you find me. You pull out the chair next to me and slip a single rose and a small note onto my table. After kissing my cheek, and whispering that you love me, you are off to tennis practice.
I finger the rose, allowing myself a moment to breathe. This rose will join the others I have in your "box" of keepsakes. It seems that I've been adding more and more roses these past weeks. After an argument day like yesterday, where any tiny thing can set you off, I can count on a good day like today, where you are gentle and adoring. 
Sighing at the rose, I set it down on the table and turn back to my project.

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