Monday, January 19, 2015

Tears always seem to come when they are most inconvenient

May 27, 2014

      On the trip home, the airport personnel is not as lenient with my overweight suitcase. I sigh and dig out a couple of books, handing them to Mom. She rolls her eyes as she takes them, but she’s smiling.
“I’ll mail them this week.” She says, but knowing her, I really don’t expect to get them until Christmas when I see her again.
With such an early morning flight, we are already running late, so there isn’t much time for goodbye. Mom and Dad walk me to the security line and Mom wraps me up in a hug.
“I love you.” She says to my ear. I feel her squeeze a little tighter. “I am so proud of you.”
“I love you too, Mom.”
I draw away from her only to be swallowed in a hug from Dad. “Be nice to everybody...”
I grin and finish the sentence like he knows I will. “Learn something new.”
I’m ushered into line, which must be at least forty people long. I will be lucky to make it onto my flight in time. Glancing back, I see Mom reach out for Dad’s hand, her fingers lacing in between his. He squeezes her hand she smiles up at him briefly.
I turn back with watery eyes. If there’s one thing I don’t want to go back to, it’s endless classes and job searching and socializing. Grace has promised we’re gonna make tons more friends in this new ward, which just sounds exhausting. Beyond that, there is a lingering sense of.. dread about returning. I'm more anxious than I usually am, which is saying a lot. I can't put into words how uneasy, how agitated I am over this. 
And the thing is, I can’t recall one argument I had with my parents these past couple weeks. As long as you don’t count heated debates about what to make for dessert. For the first time.. well, for the first time since you, my parents and I weren’t at odds with each other. We were at peace.
A single tear escapes and I brush it away impatiently. It’s an action I repeat several times as I move through security. 
After what seems like an eternity, I make it through the line. I check my phone for the time and realize I have ten minutes until my flight is supposed to leave. With a last glance at my parents, I gather myself and my bags and run for it.

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