Thursday, January 8, 2015


    I wonder if you know that I'm writing this. You always seem to know what I'm going to do a second before I even think it. But I suppose I've changed since we last saw each other. It’s different now, without you.
    Two years hasn’t changed the fact that there is evidence of you everywhere. In the trembling strings of my beat up guitar. In the fresh strawBerries I picked up from the store. You are in the silver cUbe car parked two spaces down and the marTinelli’s apple juice I get from mY dentist. You are in the chocolate vanilla swirl ice cream cones from Foster’s. You are in the song on the radio that still comes on every now and then.
    You are in the people around me. The bOy from my creative writing class who perches his sUnglasses backwards on his head. The rAndom guy I walked past at the grocery store who smelled like you. The boy at chuRch with your nosE. The dude in physics with a gNarly waTch tan.
    You are in me. In the lengtH of my coppery-brown curls, the hollows of my collarbone, the curvEs of my hips. In the quietness of my lips and the shade of my eyes that was never the same after you. You aRe in my head- snippets of a slow smile, a low voice, rEaching hands. You are in the fading train tracks lining my forearm, echoing the angry ones on my heart.
    You are everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Love the secret message.
    And that second to the last paragraph. Very . . . young adult and full of desire. Did you mean that?
    Good stuff.
