Thursday, May 26, 2016

Because things have been getting bad again, here is...

How to take care of a Jessica (Part two)

  • Clean a lot
    • Depression makes it hard to stay neat but clutter doesn't help at all
    • Dishes, laundry, things like that
  • Get me some healthy food
    • I pretty much live off of pasta during bad depression dips
    • It's probably not the best for me but I never feel like cooking
    • So it's a good idea to get an actual nutritious meal into me every once in a while
  • Don't make me self-conscious about staying home all day
    • When you get home and see that I didn't make it to class or work or to hang out with friends/family, don't make a big deal
    • Don't ask if I went
    • I obviously didn't
    • And I probably already feel terrible about it
    • Just come hug me 
    • And maybe volunteer to......
  • Help me to get out of the house
    • This was on the last list but it's another tendency I have 
    • I just sit there all day and don't do anything
    • Don't make me feel guilty or lazy, because I promise it's not laziness
    • Just help me get out and about even for just a couple hours
  • Retail therapy
    • It sounds fake but it weirdly helps
    • Getting a new pair of flip flops or a new swimsuit or something
    • It just makes me feel a little better about myself
    • I don't know??
  • Help me manage my schoolwork
    • I may refuse to accept help on this but...
    • I get overwhelmed really easily when depression is bad and school is busy
    • It helps to break the assignments into bite-sized chunks
    • But if I really feel like I can't do something, don't make me. And help me feel better about taking care of myself instead of my grade
  • Give me space
    • Again, a version of this was on the last list but it's so freaking important
    • A lot of the time I don't want company and I don't want to chat or laugh or joke
    • I just need to be sad for a little bit
    • Don't keep asking me what's wrong or how you can help
    • Just leave me be for a little bit
  • But don't leave me alone
    • Depression and alone time don't mix very well
    • You can give me space and still be home with me
    • I know it's a hard balance, sorry
  • Help me set up a therapy appointment
    • Something I probably won't want help with again...
    • But if it's been bad for a while and it's not getting better, one session might not be a bad idea
    • I just get anxious about talking on the phone to people, so it's hard for me to set appointments
    • Plus I technically don't have a therapist right now so that's a whole issue I don't want to deal with
  • Take me to the library
    • I love books and quiet zones
    • And randomly grabbing books off the shelf and reading them in one sitting without even checking them out
  • Binge watch Netflix with me
    • Help me not feel alone doing something that is very typical of me during depression dips
  • Watch stupid youtube videos with me
    • Jimmy Fallon recommended
    • Just because he always makes me laugh
  • Remind me to write it out
    • Buy me my favorite pens 
    • And help me to process my crap by writing it down
    • I'll go months without writing when things get bad
    • But it really does help, so just help me get started
     Please hang on through the bad depression dips and know that, no matter how bad depression gets, I love you.

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