Friday, May 13, 2016

Pretty much the most adorable story of this milestone

“I have to call Diane really fast, okay? It’s her birthday.”
“Go for it,” I say.
He dials her number and while it’s ringing, says, “Her approval is up there with Kiliki’s.”
Oh boy. No pressure.
They talk for a little. She’s on speaker but I’m mostly quiet. After a while, he brings me up. She asks some questions and he tells her how important her approval is.
“I’m sure I’ll love her,” Diane says.
“Yeah,” Jason meets my eyes and grins. “I love he—”
He cuts off abruptly and there’s a solid eight second of silence before Diane speaks.
“Wait, did you really just say that? Am I seriously a part of this?” She’s way excited and Jason just looks panicked.
“Uhhh I’ll call you back,” he says and hangs up.
He looks at me with wide eyes and I just bust up laughing. He protests and sputters excuses. I shove his shoulder playfully and say “You loooooove me.”
It takes an entire night of teasing before he finally admits it, on the doorstep, right before I’m about to go inside.
“I like you,” I say. Standard farewell between us.
“I love you,” he says. Not standard reply.
I start giggling and he says “What??” and I try to explain that I’m not laughing at him but the only words I can get out are “I didn’t think you’d actually admit it!”
He pulls me to him a little roughly and very suddenly and presses his lips to mine to shut me up. It works.
“Well I do,” he says.
I grin and bite down the giggle. “I love you too.”
Please don't be afraid to tell me that you love me and know that I love you too.

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