Friday, January 1, 2016

The amount of exclamation marks in this post makes me want to barf

I had a great semester!
I managed all of my classes with ease. I loved all the readings for English—they were easy to do because I enjoyed them, and they were never long and overwhelming. My Engl 295 group was a special highlight of the semester. I continued my straight A streak!
I didn’t stay home from my 9am class for three weeks because I was so anxious that I barfed.
I cut things off with Daniel in September because it wasn’t a sustainable relationship. It was hard but I’ve grown a lot emotionally, so it was doable!
I expanded my social circle and really put myself out there! I have friends that I regularly hang out with besides Grace. I made a lot of guy friends but mostly I was content with Ryan. He basically lived at my apartment and we went on dates all the time! Also he and Grace got along amazingly!
And so he and I made it official and dated for the entire semester! We’ve waited four years for this and it was as glorious as we thought/dreamed it’d be. We kissed seriously a week after the semester began, but it’s been four years in the making, so it’s really not that fast. He was the most thoughtful boyfriend! He’s still the same old Ryan, still someone I can depend on. Him leaving was heartbreaking, but we had an incredible semester and no regrets to keep us up at night!
The church came out with a tough announcement, but I handled it okay. Not like it’s gonna ruin any of my current relationships!
My dad found a job in bountiful! I visit them a couple times a month at least. It’s been nice to have them close and see them relaxed about finances. It’s like the distance between them this summer never happened!
I did not self-harm!
I didn’t get “booted” and argue with angry parking people over the $60 fee. It wouldn’t have been a problem anyway, I’m financially independent and stable, which is a relief!
I didn’t have a million anxiety attacks and one really bad one on Skype with Daniel that’s still hard to even think about.
Overall, I just made a ton of progress, emotionally, intellectually, socially, spiritually.. everything! Of course there are ups and downs but I am an emotionally stable person and I handled it!!
It was an amazing semester! I can’t wait for the next one!!!
Please have happy new year and know that I love you!

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