Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hopefully overcoming all this crap will just make "us" even more worth it

Remember that disagreement with Daniel I briefly mentioned? The one about having Ian on facebook?
It’s gotten increasingly ridiculous. He and I argued and didn’t talk for a couple days, and then we made up and both apologized and it should be all good now, right?
I’m trying to figure out why I’m so upset with him still. He’s human and we all make mistakes, so why can’t I let this one go?
I’ve figured that I’m still a little gun-shy from Ian. I let go of a lot of his mistakes and that led to me justifying and enduring his abuse and manipulation. I’m terrified to let go of even one mistake of Daniel’s, afraid that if I do I’ll be stuck in the cycle of abuse again still.
So because of my super fun and complex trust issues, I’m pulling/pushing away from someone I care about.
Obviously you’re going to make mistakes. We both are. So I really need to learn to deal with this. I’m trying.
It's scary to realize.. We have a lot of work cut out for us.

Please be patient with me and know that I love you.

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