Thursday, May 28, 2015

Last week’s post has got me  thinking a lot about ways other people can help with my depression. So, for your sake and for mine, I’ve made a very handy and informative list of..


·                     Make tea
·                     Chamomile tea
·                     With extra honey

·                     Turn on Tangled and cuddle under blankets
·                     Don’t get mad at me for quoting the entire movie
·                     It will happen
·                     There’s really no avoiding it
·                      Brave or Beauty and the Beast are also acceptable choices

·                     Bad puns are always a good bet
·                     Especially if you tell them in horrible/botched accents

·                     Chocolate chocolate donuts
·                     Lots of donuts
·                     Or cheese
·                     Cheese makes me happy too

·                     Help ground me in the present
·                     Sometimes flashbacks are hard

·                     Bring me socks because chances are I was wearing flip-flops and so I have no socks on and my                        feet are freezing
·                     Warm feet don’t solve depression but feeling taken care of helps a lot

·                     Remind me that I’m not damaged goods, I’m not a burden

·                     Take me for a drive
·                     I may or may not request to drive
·                     Windows down and music up is a must

·                     Offer me a selection of my favorite books

·                     Tell me that you are here, you’ll stick by me through all of the bad times and not just the good

·                     Play with my hair
·                     But please don’t try to run your fingers through it
·                     It’s curly hair
·                     That doesn’t work

·                     Get me outside
·                     Star-gazing
·                     Sun-bathing
·                     A walk around the block
·                     Just outside

·                     Tell me about some of your favorite good memories of us
·                     It’s a nice way to give me hope for future good times
·                     But never say “It’ll get better”
·                     I will smack you

·                     Open windows

·                     Get me in the shower
·                     *Accompanying me is optional

·                     TAKE ME TO A DOG

·                     Sometimes you just have to leave me alone
·                     Space is a beautiful thing
·                     And if I ask for it, I mean it
·                     It’s not code for “fuss over me more”
·                     I still love you though
·                     And don’t go too far away

·                     Offer to go work out with me
·                     Preferably swimming
·                     But never running

·                     Sit by me and do your own thing
·                     Don’t fuss over me, but be there

·                     Make sure I’m hydrated/have taken my meds

·                     Take me to buy new flip flops (Old navy, $2.50)

But most of all,
·         Remind me how much you love me

Please be empathetic and know I love you.

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