Thursday, April 2, 2015

You are the first boy that's tried

January 27, 2009
But you- you work hard at it. You worm through my barriers, cutting down the walls I’ve constructed to keep anyone out. You surprise me. As you unlock my mind, you don’t recoil in disgust. You…like it. You like me. Which surprises me most of all. How well you can get through my barriers….how you accept every part of me- the good and the bad, the tired and the happy, the depressed and the smiling…..every single part. You accept it all. And you like me for being me.

It's been two and a half months and we half three thousand facebook messages

February 19th, 8:04 pm

Ian Villegas:                                                                                                      Jessica Rosa:
Whose turn is it?
Umm, idk. Yours?
Haha okay :) I’ve been thinking
about Colbie Caillat a lot..
That’s a surprise..
Shut up! Lol do you want to hear
what song I picked or not?
Yes please :)
Okay. It’s You’ve Got Me.
Got it :) I’ll go listen to it right now!
Hang on! I need my song too!
Oh yeah huh? Okay, John Mayer,
Your Body is a Wonderland.
Okay :)
8:17 pm
Ian Villegas:                                                                                                      Jessica Rosa:
Aww I love it :)
It’s the best one so far :)
Aww you think?
Definitely :)
What about mine?
Well.. how do you mean it?
Do you like it?
As long as you don’t mean it
 in a bad way or anything
Of course not!
Okay :)
So I miss you :)
Haha you saw me yesterday!
Lol so? I’m Jessica deprived today!
I miss you too :)

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