Thursday, January 28, 2016

I didn't know that Grace's engagement meant I was on check-out duty for lingerie

I balance my phone on my shoulder as I fumble with my key in the lock of our apartment door. It takes me a second before I get it to click and swing the door open.
Grace is sprawled on the couch, phone to her ear. I catch just a snippet of her conversation (“No mom, I don’t want to get a spray tan before taking bridals”) before Lauren pulls me back into ours.
“So she’s pretty sure then?”
I hesitate, dropping my backpack and collapsing into my hand chair just beside Grace. (“I’m fine not being orange, thanks”)
“Yeah. She’s pretty sure.”
“After three weeks of dating?”
“Well … as long as she’s prayed about it I guess.”
“She has.”
Grace waves a hand at me and I glance over at her. She takes the phone off her ear and says, “Are you still in the mood for Smashburger?”
I pull my phone away from my mouth and respond. “Ummm do you have to ask?”
She grins. “Five minutes?”
We resume our phone conversations.
“Was that Grace?” Lauren asks.
“Tell her I say hi!”
“I will. Listen, we’re gonna get food so I have to go. I’ll call you later?”
“Sure Shmoo. I love you more than Scout.”
“I love you more than my polka dot pants.”
I hang up and grab my purse, making it back into the living room just as Grace hangs up. She grabs her jacket and then we leave.
It’s days like this that I’ve missed the past three weeks … since she’s been in la-la-land with Ben. Days where we go get food and people watch and just spend time together. We get our regular at Smashburger (barbeque burger and oreo chocolate shake for her, cheeseburger and chocolate peanut butter shake for me) and sit across from each other and laugh and swap shakes every now and then.
When we finish, she looks up a little embarrassed. “Hey Jess.”
“Can we … can we go lingerie shopping soon?”
“I don’t have any plans the rest of the afternoon.”
She gets a stupid grin on her face and that’s how we end up in the Macy’s dressing room on a Thursday afternoon, trying on lingerie and giggling and commenting on the boob sack lingerie versus the built in bra lingerie. I try on a couple, but she tries on six or seven. There’s a particular white one that is just perfect and she declares that she has to buy it.
But she pauses just outside the dressing room.
“I’ve never bought lingerie before…”
I raise an eyebrow at her. She scrunches up her eyes and looks over at me.
“Will you buy it for me?”
And that’s how I end up in the Macy’s checkout line with a debit card that’s not mine and a piece of lingerie that’s definitely not mine.
It’s not a long line, but there’s a particularly obnoxious old lady, two customers in front of me, who insists she should get 50% off a sweater because of a tiny snag on the bottom. She takes ten minutes arguing with the poor cashier, whose English isn’t very good to begin with, and I stand there feeling more awkward with every minute.
I finally make it up to the cashier. She smiles at me and I put the lingerie on the counter. She looks at it. Then she looks at me.
“You want … to buy?”
What else? I purse my lips. “Ummm. Yes.”
She nods and picks up the lingerie, and holds it at eye level for the entire store to see, while she hunts around it for a price tag. It must take her a solid minute and a half of fluffing it around and drawing the general attention of the store before she finds it. It takes her another minute to get it to scan.
The price rings up as twenty dollars more than I thought.
“I thought it was only $30?”
She frowns, squinting at the price tag. “No, that scratched off.”
It’s not scratched off. “Are you sure?” I ask.
“I go check.”
Four minutes later, she comes back with no answers. “I go ask someone.”
At this point, I have three customers behind me who are grumbling and probably judging me for buying lingerie. Dang it Grace. The cashier takes another five minutes before she comes back.
“30 dollar,” she says.
I nod, content, and she proceeds to try to re-ring it up. It takes three tries and another four minutes to get it right. Jeez.
“Ok, just put in pin.”
Oh crap. What’s Grace’s pin? I hesitate…it takes me a long moment, but I scrap together memories of seeing her punch it in at grocery stores. I punch in the numbers cautiously, but the machine just chimes happily.
“Okay, now zip code?”
What? Any other question about Grace I would’ve known. Her birthday? Got it. Phone number? Check. Area code? Yup. Address? Yeah right.
I turn around, desperately searching for Grace. I see her hiding behind a rack of clothes. I feel no guilt in calling her out.
“Grace! Zip code!”
She steps from behind the rack of clothes sheepishly. “89434.”
I repeat it to the cashier three times before she gets it.
Then she pulls out a bag and flips the lingerie around in some attempt to fold it and stuff it into the bag, but honestly I’m ready to just grab it and run. We both watch the receipt print out at snail speed.
“Receipt in bag?”
Yes.” Just hurry up.
She holds out the bag to me and I yank it from her hands, turn on my heel, and book it away from there. Grace hurries out of her hiding place to catch up with me.
We manage to make it down the escalator before breaking out in giggles.
“That shouldn’t have been so hard!”
“I’m so sorry!”
“You have to talk to the next like 50 store people. I’m not doing it.”
“Deal,” she says.
We reach my car and I dig around in my purse for my keys, tossing her the bag. She catches it and gets that stupid grin on her face again.
“Jess. Guess what I just bought?”
“What you just bought?” I find my keys and open my car door.
She sticks her tongue out. “What we just bought.”
I duck into the car, reaching across to unlock her door. She climbs in.
I look over at her, putting my key in the ignition.
“We just bought lingerie,” she says, giggling again.
I laugh back and start the car. The radio blares back at us, a reminder of the mini-concert that took place on the drive here. It scares us both and we laugh again before we register the lyrics blasting out of my speakers.
Man, I feel like a woman.

Please be ready to give up at least one night a week of my time to Grace, and know that I love you.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

I'm running out of creative ways to say that I'm just really sad

So please accept this lyric sheet (something I haven't done since high school) as a lame artsy attempt at expressing it.

Please don't be upset with me for getting in contact with Daniel again.. and know that I love you.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

List of special skills

  • Eating donuts
    • Lots of donuts
  • Stalking Daniel on tumblr
    • Even though he unfollowed me
    • And kicked me off his blog so I'm not following him either
    • Finding this out was actually what triggered the crying at work :) :) :)
  • Writing half texts to Ian that I don't send
    • Because when I think about reaching outwards for support, he's still one of the first people I think of
    • He proved this summer that he still knows me so well
    • And there's no judgement from him
    • Also I don't feel like a burden with him
    • Like I do with Grace but that's not her fault and is another story anyway
  • Crying at very inconvenient times
    • Like during work
    • I'm an expert at lifeguarding through blurry eyes
    • Also during class
    • Like what the heck, body, really?
  • Driving while crying
    • Because long drives are nice
    • And perfect opportunities to bawl my eyes out :)
  • Honestly I'm just great at crying in general

     Please wait until my heart is a little more mended to come into my life, but know that I already love you.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

When Grace makes it onto a very exclusive list that Daniel officially lost the chance to be on

It’s two hours later that tears finally start to leak out. I’m lying in bed desperately trying to sleep because I work at 8 a.m. tomorrow, but the second Grace left the room, the second I was alone, the tears came. Uninvited and inconvenient, so pretty much normal.
I hear the bathroom sink shut off and realize Grace is about to come back into our room. I’m sincerely excited and content to be rooming with her again, but I got used to having a lot of alone time (to cry) when she didn’t live here. Plus I know she’s tired; I don’t want to bother her..
I grab my roll of toilet paper from its (lately) constant place next to my bed and swing my legs out of bed. Everything is all blurry with tears. I open our door and hesitate. The walls in this apartment are thin, but you can weirdly hear nothing that goes on in the kitchen. So I head to our kitchen table, plunking the toilet paper down and pulling out a chair.
The tears resume and I let them. I put my head in my hands and curl my hands into fists and for the billionth time in weeks, I cry.
I’m eight wadded up tissues in when-
I don’t look up. I hear her shuffle across the kitchen to me, feel a hand on my shoulder.
“Jess, what is it?”
Pfft what is it. Even if I was capable of forming words right now, I wouldn’t answer that.
“Did he send another message?”
I shake my head. No, he hasn’t and that’s the problem. Not that I’d expect him to after the… rash text I sent and the harsher reply when he questioned further. To be fair, he shut down on me. What was I supposed to do?
Not that. But I did. I feel terrible about it and I feel terrible for feeling relieved about it.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
I shake my head again. I really really don’t.
I take a shuddery breath and squeeze out the words “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to bother you with this.”
She scoffs. “You’re not bothering me. Besides, I’m not the one who has to get up early tomorrow.”
The tears swell up again and I fail at choking down a sob.
“I’m stressed about crying. I should be asleep and I’m just upset and I can’t calm down.”
Her hand leaves my shoulder. I haven’t looked up the entire time she’s been in the kitchen and I don’t start now. But I hear the creak of the cabinet and the clank of dishes…the sink running.. then the microwave. I sneak a glance and she’s pulling out my tea from the cupboard.
Tea. She’s making me tea.
More tears. I’m crying in my kitchen at 1 am over a boy who doesn’t love all of me and has purposefully hurt me countless times and my best friend is patting my shoulder and making me tea.
God I’m a mess.
Grace sits by me for the minute and a half it takes to warm up the water, with her arm wrapped around me. I lean my head on her shoulder and continue to cry. She leaves my side when the microwave beeps and returns with a steaming mug. Instead of sitting down though, she hands me my tea, takes me by the elbow and leads me to the couch, turning last minute to grab my toilet paper for me.
I sit down and she balances the toilet paper on the arm of the couch, tucks the blanket around my feet, and reaches for her computer. Then she nestles in next to me and pulls up Netflix.
Five more tissues, two Friends episodes, and one cup of tea later, I’m done crying for the moment. Grace waits for me to throw out my tissues and tea bags and then we go to bed.

She gets to be added to the very small list of people who have seen me full out cry. My sisters and my parents have all seen it at some point or another. Until sophomore year though, it was really just family.
Ian was the first person outside my family who saw me cry. It was the Monday after refusing to go to church for the first time and I’d skipped seminary and I was late to school and I hadn’t spoken with my mom once and just..
I called him. He came. I ditched first block and spent it sobbing in his arms. I didn’t hold back. I just cried. And he just stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head and was there.
I couldn’t contain a couple tears around Jacob, Tim, maybe Jade. But nothing like Ian before, and nothing like Grace now.
Nothing like you eventually.
I’m not saying that it’s my heart’s deepest desire to sob in your arms. I want to be deliriously happy with you. But I look forward to that kind of intimacy. I look forward to the constancy, to being both happy and sad with you, to experiencing life by your side.
It’s time to wrap this up before I get even cheesier than this.
But please the steady arms to hold me when I cry and know that I love you.

Friday, January 1, 2016

The amount of exclamation marks in this post makes me want to barf

I had a great semester!
I managed all of my classes with ease. I loved all the readings for English—they were easy to do because I enjoyed them, and they were never long and overwhelming. My Engl 295 group was a special highlight of the semester. I continued my straight A streak!
I didn’t stay home from my 9am class for three weeks because I was so anxious that I barfed.
I cut things off with Daniel in September because it wasn’t a sustainable relationship. It was hard but I’ve grown a lot emotionally, so it was doable!
I expanded my social circle and really put myself out there! I have friends that I regularly hang out with besides Grace. I made a lot of guy friends but mostly I was content with Ryan. He basically lived at my apartment and we went on dates all the time! Also he and Grace got along amazingly!
And so he and I made it official and dated for the entire semester! We’ve waited four years for this and it was as glorious as we thought/dreamed it’d be. We kissed seriously a week after the semester began, but it’s been four years in the making, so it’s really not that fast. He was the most thoughtful boyfriend! He’s still the same old Ryan, still someone I can depend on. Him leaving was heartbreaking, but we had an incredible semester and no regrets to keep us up at night!
The church came out with a tough announcement, but I handled it okay. Not like it’s gonna ruin any of my current relationships!
My dad found a job in bountiful! I visit them a couple times a month at least. It’s been nice to have them close and see them relaxed about finances. It’s like the distance between them this summer never happened!
I did not self-harm!
I didn’t get “booted” and argue with angry parking people over the $60 fee. It wouldn’t have been a problem anyway, I’m financially independent and stable, which is a relief!
I didn’t have a million anxiety attacks and one really bad one on Skype with Daniel that’s still hard to even think about.
Overall, I just made a ton of progress, emotionally, intellectually, socially, spiritually.. everything! Of course there are ups and downs but I am an emotionally stable person and I handled it!!
It was an amazing semester! I can’t wait for the next one!!!
Please have happy new year and know that I love you!