Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The fantastically unimportant boys who are getting lumped together

You are not Will.
Which is only the slightest bit disappointing, because he was the best kisser out of all the boys I’ve dated..
You aren’t awkward poetry and extra-large checkered t-shirts. You are not words dividing me from my best friend. You are not cherry chap stick and lingering hands. You aren’t hidden make out spots and overpowering sickly sweet cologne.
But it’d be nice if you were an okay kisser ;)

You are not Chan.
Thank the heavens.
You aren’t my biggest crush since 6th grade, finally realized in my sophomore year of high school.
You are not a too-easy smile and silky black hair. You aren’t effortless temptations. You are not an intrusive tongue or eager hands.
But if you wanted, you could still be charming.

You are not David.
You are not a two month fling, a challenge of sorts.
You are not a bad speller with pierced ears and a longboard. You won’t go on to date my best friend (uhh I hope?). You aren’t papers folded into hearts of all sizes and varieties. You aren’t old spice body wash and unsure hands. You aren’t lazy afternoon water polo practices spent bumping knees and laughing.
But it’d be great if you had rock hard abs were sweet to a fault. 

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